Debate Competition : “GYAAN”

  • There are multiple goals of development when students participate in events like this. So resist the urge to jump in and help at the first sign of trouble that the student seems to face. 

  • Encourage your child to go and talk to other students and try to become part of a team on their own.

  • Even if the child is shy, this is a great way to work towards overcoming this fear in a safe setting.

  • Finally, we are there to help the child participate. But let us encourage our children to do this on their own. This is all a part of developing a strong, bold personality.

  • Also, when they are researching and discussing these topics, there will be fights. We again encourage you to let the kids sort it out amongst themselves. Another learning lesson for them!

  • If it becomes a problem and is brought to the teacher's attention, we will mediate. But a great idea is to share your experiences at the workplace, maybe even within the family - on how you deal with difficult people yourself.

  • Great dinnertime conversations and good bonding with these soon-to-be-adults, isn't it?

  • So, resist the urge to jump in or pass judgment. This is the kid's stage - let them have their own learnings, so they have these stories of their own to share later, as adults!

So, we feel EVERY CHILD should participate!

  • There are amazing benefits in participation in class debates. They learn friendly competition, they understand how to go about group problem solving, coming up with innovative solutions and problem solving. They sharpen their convincing techniques, have to think quickly and become really good at oral presentation.

  • They have to quickly understand what their opposing team is saying, where the argument is heading and analyze it for its strengths and weaknesses.

Well, do you need more reasons why every student should participate in this competition?

  • It's an opportunity to test their views against their peers, to research, to learn how to put their thoughts into words quickly and how to handle a dynamic environment.

  • Imagine getting a safe space to do all this in a structured way. Why would anyone want to pass up such an opportunity?

  • We are already giving them a lot of information related to this through their social studies class, information transfer class, general knowledge and speaking class. Read more HERE.

  • They also have you to talk to and discuss both sides of the argument. This is a topic that most adults would have a strong view on - either way.

  • They can also decide which “external resources” they want with them on the day to help out in the break time. They would probably interview different adults keeping this in mind and decide. They will also have to properly approach and request them. How amazing is that! 

So - there you go - we want every student to participate in this competition with reasonable preparation! Do help us make this happen.

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