How do I contact the school in an emergency?

An emergency situation in your family can only translate to an early pick up that you may need to suddenly schedule for your child. You can call on the school number in that case and the team will guide you from there. Do note that we cannot bring your child to the phone or connect you directly to certain specific staff members. 

How does the school contact the parent in an emergency? What happens if my kid feels sick or gets hurt while in school?

Emergency situations can be generated in the school where a child may have hurt themselves or hurt others. In that case, some team member from the school will call you, update you and ask you to come to the school. Please cooperate with the school and be prompt in your actions in that case. 

If the kid is mildly or moderately unwell / hurt , we bring the kid to the ‘Sick Bay’ to rest and inform parents by making a call to pick up the kid. Meanwhile we do the first aid that is required. Kindly note that we don’t do any medication in school if the child is unwell/hurt. If it is a severe case we take the kid to the nearest clinic and then connect the medical staff there with the parents. 

It can so happen that the parent does not answer the phone when the school calls or the phone does not connect. Our team calls all the numbers registered with us two times and then sends an email to update the parent about the situation

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