STEM-A-Fair (Std 5-10) : Project Registration

Registering your group and project for the STEM a-fair :

The group leader has to register online (CLICK HERE) and fill the required information :
Please make sure you fill up this form using your child’s Walnut email address.

  • Class - Please enter the standard your group belongs to (all members of the group must belong to the same standard)

  • Group Size - How many people in your group? (Minimum 4 to maximum 6)

  • Group leader  (Team Member 1) : Reference number

  • Group leader  (Team Member 1) :  Full name (first name + last name)

  • Group details - Enter the names and reference numbers of the other members of the group. Do make sure each team member entry is unique and not the same names repeated over and over again!

  • Project Title - Enter the name of the project

  • Project Concept - Enter the main principle or concept of the project

  • Project Description - Short description of the project (What the project is going to be, in max. 50 words)

  • Project Overview - Include the use of the appliance / instrument that you are explaining and the principle involved in its working. Explain the reason behind the selection of the theme in max. 80 words.

  • Project Details - This should include the scope of the concept / design of a model, the drawbacks / limitations of the concept, enhancement / suggested improvement in the design, if any (Max. 80 words)

  • Project Requirements – Things that your project absolutely needs!

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