Baby Walnut : Exam Information

Our Baby Walnut students have exams in two formats : 

  • Written : Based on the topics covered through WRITE

  • Oral : Based on the topics covered through READ and LEARN

The exams seem like a normal, everyday activity to the children. They do not even realize that they are being tested. So, dear parents, you can be chill about them too. Do not stress out, please. This is so not the time for it. We will tell you when you need to - worry not. Enjoy this phase.

Practice Tests : 

  • Students solve one practice test each for WRITE (English skills) and WRITE (Math skills). 

  • These are checked by the teacher and sent back home on the Friday before the exams begin.

  • Teachers anaylse the performance and revise the concepts that they observe students may be struggling with.

  • A second practice test per English and Math skills is sent home, in case you want them to solve one more. This second practice test is specially created so that you, as parents, do not need to spend time curating a list of questions as per the exam pattern (especially since their exams include so many images!). This is optional to solve at home. Not a compulsion at all. Do not send this back to school. 

  • Refer to the worksheets shared with you, for the revision of the concepts, if you wish to go over them with the child.

Written exam : 

  • These are written papers that the students solve in class, under teacher supervision.

  • Students solve the exams like a regular worksheet, so there’s no exam pressure for them - they do not even perceive it as anything different from their regular routine.


Junior KG

Senior KG







*Unit 1

Unit 2

Unit 3

Unit 4

*Nursery students have NO written exam for Unit 1, as that is when they are just learning how to write.

Orals :

  • Orals are conducted only for the subjects LEARN and READ, during the entire duration of the exam week. The exam week has been specifically marked in the school calendar.

  • The orals are based on the topics covered in LEARN and READ.

  • The shlok and poems are also included as part of the orals, since they are a good way to check their pronunciation skills. There are video links given in the Portion Circular as well, in case you want to listen to the shlok / poems taught in school.

  • Refer to the Presentations shared with you via WalSh, for the revision of the concepts, if you wish to go over them at home.

Wishing all the students good luck for their exams! Well, actually - wishing the parents a happy week. Kids are going to be super cool, we know 🙂

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