Know your dates for the 2024-25 academic year

How to read this table : Consider the class you would be attending from the upcoming academic year. You will be able to see when school starts for the next academic year, the summer break and the dates for the June reopening as well!

Know your dates :


Start DATE

NEW acad. year (2024-25)

Summer break

June reopening


3rd June

Jr. KG

6th June

Sr. KG

10th June

Std. 1

20th March

13th April – 2nd June

3rd June 

Std. 2

19th March

13th April – 3rd June

4th June

Std. 3

20th March

13th April – 3rd June

4th June

Std. 4

20th March

13th April – 3rd June

4th June

Std. 5

19th March

13th April – 2nd June

3rd June

Std. 6

20th March

13th April – 3rd June

4th June 

Std. 7

19th March

13th April – 2nd June

3rd June

Std. 8

19th March

13th April – 2nd June

3rd June

Std. 9

19th March

13th April – 2nd June

3rd June

Std. 10

19th March

13th April – 2nd June

3rd June


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