Baby Walnut : What to send with the child

Uniform : 

  • Each child must be in clean and complete uniform, which includes black socks, black shoes and the ID card.

  • Children without an ID card will not be allowed to enter the school campus or attend school. This is for security purposes. Please do not argue with our staff regarding this. 

  • Make sure you send a handkerchief with your child to school. Do NOT pin up the handkerchief to the T-shirt. Please put the handkerchief in the pocket.
    Watch this short video in the language of your choice to know the correct way of sending the handkerchief with the child.

  • Hair should be properly combed and not falling on to the forehead and eyes. If hair goes up to the shoulder, it must be tied up neatly. Hair bands or hair ties or elastics or pins must all be black. 

  • Reference number is to be written on the uniform label (T – shirt, trousers, jacket) Tiffin Bag and napkins and also on the shoes so that they do not get mixed up.
    Suggestions : write with a ball point pen or get it embroidered.

  • No dangling jewellery, nail polish, mehendi, tattoos etc. Small studs or small simple rings are the only jewellery allowed. 

  • Trimming of nails should be done at regular intervals.

Stationery / Academic material : 

  • The files are NOT to be carried to school. They must be kept at home. Worksheets that will come home weekly are to be filed in these files, per subject.

  • We are a bagless school right till Std. 10, so of course – NO SCHOOL BAG to be sent along with the child! 🙂

Tiffin / Water bottles : 

  • Children will be bringing a tiffin, water bottle and napkin in a small bag to school. The bag (with the things inside) must fit in an area of 10 x 10 inches and 4 inches height.

  • Tiffin ID card is a MUST to get the right tiffin to the child (during recess and while going home) so make sure it is attached to the tiffin bag properly.

  • Do make sure that students are able to handle the bag on their own and don’t need to drag it along. They would only be required to handle this bag during lunch break.

  • Make sure the water bottle is leak-proof (1/2 litre). This bottle will be kept in the snacks area for the whole day and will be used during the snack break. Water through the school RO filter will be available on every floor for drinking for the rest of the day. Students will be using disposable glasses. (To prevent the spread of germs)

  • School drinking water quality is checked at regular intervals and is absolutely potable. Please note that we have a very well maintained and hygienic RO filter system for safe and pure drinking water. 

  • Students are allowed and encouraged to drink water between periods, so as to keep them well-hydrated. Please note that a water bottle cannot be allowed to be kept with them in the classroom. It is difficult for them to manage because they change locations after every period. Please do not argue about this with our staff.

  • Avoid sending junk food. Healthy eating habits should start at an early age – which is now!

  • Do not send snacks in the kid’s pocket to eat in the classroom. They will be confiscated.

  • Children must carry a cloth napkin to lay out to eat on. They must eat carefully without spilling and spoiling the eating area. 

  • Please make sure that the children carry the tiffin when they come to school. Late tiffin entries cannot be entertained. Staff cannot collect tiffins at odd times for the students. Please do not argue about this with our staff.

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