What is the reporting time?

Depending on your batch, please check the reporting time on these pages:

How many recesses and duration?

For Std 1 to 10, each student has one recess period (35 minutes) somewhere in the middle of their school day.

KG students have one 30 minute recess period everyday.

If school starts at 7:05 am, then recess starts sometime between 8.50 am and 10.00 am
If school starts at 8:50 am, then recess starts sometime between 10.35 am and 11.45 am
If school starts at 10:35 am, then recess starts sometime between 12.20 pm and 1.30 pm
If school starts at 12:20 pm, then recess starts sometime between 2.05 pm and 3.15 pm

What is the daily timetable like?

For Std. 1 to 10, students have one recess period everyday which is somewhere in the middle of the day. They have one sports period everyday as well. They have a distribution of core subjects and activity periods throughout the day.

What do we have to do on the days marked as ELECTRIC SATURDAYS?

All parents and students do not have activities on every Electric Saturday. Everyone will have something once or twice every quarter. If you have not received any email about a certain Saturday that means there is no activity on this Electric Saturday for you. So, in that case for you it is a holiday. 

In case you cannot come on an Electric Saturday slot that you are specifically called, that is fine. No core academic work happens in these sessions. The activities that are designed are for parents to see and kids to perform. So if you are busy and cannot come with your child for a particular event it is again okay for both of you to miss it. 

As mentioned in the calendar explanation, Electric Saturdays are fun days for the students and even the parents. Sports matches, quiz competitions, challenges, workshops, art days, science fairs, business fairs, debate competitions and lots of other exciting activities! You will get emails about this from time to time. Different classes will have these events on different Saturdays. (remember : no email to you = no activity for your child)

All important information is given to you through the emails that you can see on the WalSh App.

Changing the batch timing

In case a parent wishes to change the batch timing, send us a request by email. We then add your name to the waiting list. When it is possible to go ahead with the change, we let you know. Till then parents have to continue with the timings that are assigned. There is no need to write to the school about this repeatedly. The moment you write to us for the first time, you get added into the waiting list for a shift change. Some batches are in huge demand and the waiting period is thus very long. We cannot give parents an estimate of when the change will actually happen because it is totally non linear. 

Also please note that for the primary section (till Std. 5) the afternoon shift is not really afternoon, it is actually late morning. It is just 1.5 hours after the earlier timing.

How are birthdays celebrated?

We celebrate birthdays with an “aukshan” of the birthday child, giving them a personalized birthday card, and singing the birthday song while they are wearing a unique birthday cake hat. If the birthday of a student falls on a weekend or a school holiday, we celebrate it in the following school week. On birthdays please send the child in regular school uniform. Do not send any gift items to be distributed amongst the other students either. This event is strictly for the students. So parents cannot attend.

I would like to request a division change for my child

At Walnut School, divisions are randomly allocated at the beginning of each academic year. Allotment of divisions is fixed for the year. We understand that you may have concerns about your child being placed in a different division than what you had hoped for. However, we want to reassure you that this can be a positive experience for your child. By being in a different division, your child will have the opportunity to make new friends and retain old ones, while still meeting and interacting with students from the entire standard during recess and sports activities. Children get to know other children through shuffling and make more friends. 

Also, grade 6 onwards they have differential learning. So for all core subjects and sports they are split up into groups that are as per their abilities in the subject. So essentially these children have different groups – one for each of the subjects and one for the rest of the activities. Students make more friends and will retain older ones as well. As adults who have more experience of the way the world works and who know how good it is to develop good networking skills at an early age, let us encourage our students to look at this as an opportunity to further expand their circle of friends and intellectual stimulation! After a week or two of school, if you still have concerns regarding how your child is accepting a division shuffle, we are more than willing to counsel your child in school. Please let us know if you would like us to.

On days marked as parties in the school calendar, do students come in party wear?

Students are expected to come to school in complete school uniform on all days. When civil / party dresses are allowed, we will give you a heads up. Unless you get an email asking to send children in party wear, just assume the default attire to be the complete school uniform.

I would like my child’s class timetable to be changed

The timetable and calendar at Walnut are very complex and planned with great detail. It takes hours and days of highly skilful work to form this jigsaw puzzle perfectly for a school like Walnut – to make the maximum and best resources available to the students. Please also understand that Walnut School is run by educationists and technologists, and that there are pedagogical thoughts which also go into making of the timetable. Please do not make requests for changes. They are impossible to fulfil.

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