The unit exam results are available on WalSh. Here is how you can view them : 

  • Login to WalSh

  • Go to Menu -> Results -> Select Academic Year 2024-25 -> Select Exam (For example, Unit 1, Unit 2, etc.)

  • The result is available in two formats :
    a) Results (with the collective grade based on marks scored in the Written exam + Test Bytes and Classroom Participation as applicable)
    b) Marks (per subject)

Results : 

How are these grades calculated?

  • The marks per subject (Written, Test Bytes and Classroom Participation considered together) are calculated, then converted into percentages and graded accordingly. 

  • The 8 - point grading scale is a CBSE format requirement. The percentage ranges are listed at the bottom of the result shared with you. These will help you understand the comparison of your child's scores with the grades given in the result.

Marks : (What the columns mean)
Test Bytes :
The TESTs that are solved as part of the unit’s homework on Walmiki.

Classroom Participation : 

  • It is calculated based on the student’s classroom attentiveness, accuracy in answering questions, etc. 

  • The speaking skills are focused upon, which is why these marks appear only for the languages for this unit.

The formal Written exams are conducted in the following two separate formats : 

a) MCQs
b) Descriptive :
- Essay - based questions (short answers, long answers, creative writing, etc.)

Some questions that you may have :

  • Why has my child been marked as AB in the Test Bytes? He / She has attempted all the Test Bytes in this unit!
    If you want to check your child’s scores through Walmiki to verify these attempts, the steps on how to do so can be accessed HERE.
    - It is possible that you may have attempted REVISE quizzes thinking they are Test Bytes.
    - The scores that are shown to you are the ones picked up by the system just after the deadline.
    - If the Test Bytes are solved after that, then the scores are not considered.

  • Why has my child been marked as AB in the Descriptive + MCQs?
    There are various reasons why this happens. Here are a few :
    - The student was absent on the day of that written exam, and it was also not attempted remotely.
    - The student’s online submission was not in a readable format, and so teachers were unable to check the paper.
    - The online submission was uploaded after the deadline and so was not checked.

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